Dental Implants And Braces
One of the reasons people get braces is the same reason they might get dental implants and that is to close a gap in teeth caused by a missing tooth or series of missing teeth. You might still need to get implants after your braces are removed if you have a number of missing teeth. If your teeth are also crooked or you have a bite alignment issue, then you might be a good candidate for braces. So that leads to the question of should you get braces before implants, or vice versa? Some orthodontists will only give you braces before an implant, while others will coordinate your orthodontic treatment with your oral surgeon if you meet certain qualifications. Most times you will get braces before implants because you may need to straighten your crooked or twisted teeth, or your jaws need to come into a better alignment.
Should You Get Braces Before Dental Implants?
Many times the answer is yes, you should get your braces treatment before getting any dental implants. One reason to get braces before teeth implants is that your bite will likely change during the course of your treatment so your oral surgeon will want to make sure to craft your dental implant to your new specifications.
One thing to keep in mind when it comes to dental implants is that once they are set in the jaw, they cannot be moved. A dental implant is actually a steel post set into the bone of the jaw and then the artificial tooth is screwed or otherwise affixed onto that post. Sometimes, if you have had some bone loss, you need a bone transplant to the jaw before the post can even be set. So, once the implant has been inserted into the jaw, you can’t move it during orthodontic treatment like you can with natural teeth. If you do need to move your teeth, it’s best to get your orthodontic treatment done first and then get the implant after the teeth are set.
Can You Get An Implant With Braces?
In rare instances, you can get an implant with braces if you have a number of missing teeth, particularly back teeth. What your orthodontist may use instead if you have several open spaces are devices called temporary anchorage devices or TADs. These are tiny titanium screws that oral surgeons commonly use but now orthodontists are using them to help keep certain teeth from moving that they don’t want to move, or at least not move yet. TADs provide a small anchor point in the jaw. It is a quick process to set a TAD. A tiny bit of anesthetic is used on the gums and then the device is set. Once you no longer need to have the TAD or your braces treatment is complete, then the TAD is removed.
Can You Wear Braces If You Have A Dental Implant?
You can wear braces if you already have an implant. Your orthodontist will have to work around the implant as it cannot move in the jaw. During braces treatment, your teeth actually loosen their positions in the jaw, slide through the jaw bone matrix, and then set in their new positions. However, as mentioned before, an implant is a steel post that is permanently drilled into the bone and is unable to move. But, your orthodontist should be work around this. Just bear in mind that you may or may not have a perfect smile based on the location of the implant, as front teeth will be more noticeable if they cannot be brought into perfect alignment. Back dental implants will be less impactful on your treatment. If you have an implant and want to get braces, be sure to talk to your orthodontist near me, or ask questions at an initial consultation.
Get Dental Implants Before Or After Braces?
If you wonder should I get braces before implants, as you can see above, there are a number of reasons why you should get braces first. But, it’s not always a sure thing that you have to get braces first. You may get your implants set first if you are having braces on just the front teeth and you need to get a molar implant. In this case, the implant can actually be used to help anchor the braces or they can provide a stable point for headgear or reverse pull headgear. The best thing to do is to coordinate your plan with both your dentist and your orthodontist. They will happily advise you on what is the best treatment plan for your unique needs.
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