Adult Braces Near Me
If you are looking for the best orthodontists for adults near you, visit us at Ivanov Orthodontics. We encourage you to schedule your initial free appointment with our experts who will take you through a free, no obligation initial assessment to determine if you require orthodontics management and the best course of treatment for you.
Furthermore, at Ivanov Orthodontics, we show you we are the best because our dentists will discuss our options for adult braces, our payment options, and inform you of our preferred insurance providers, and other tips to save you money.
Our dentists will assist you in choices such as choosing stainless steel braces or any of the other types of braces. Our dentists will likely want an x-ray of your teeth or a digital picture of your mouth, to assist them in diagnosis. They will likely want a mold of your teeth if you choose to continue with the orthodontic treatment if recommended.
Sometime during your orthodontic treatment, your dentist will discuss the necessary care required when wearing braces to ensure you optimize the benefits of the orthodontic management.
Orthodontic management generally works quite well, if you are strict in sticking with the guidelines provided by your orthodontist Miami. It is important to note that once your treatment has finished, you may need to wear a retainer for a time to prevent the teeth from returning to the position they were in before the treatment.
And last, you will need to watch what you eat when wearing braces. It is crucial to avoid sticky foods, sweet foods, and drinks to prevent food from being trapped in your braces and causing a build-up of plaque.
Once your treatment is complete, you should continue to visit your general dentist for regular check-ups.