It is crucial to ask your orthodontist for more specific information pertaining to your individual circumstances at your orthodontic consultation. There is no better time to learn all about braces and what kinds of treatment options might be right for you.
Free orthodontist consultation. Orthodontist near me free consultation
When you’re thinking of a free orthodontist consultation from your North Miami Beach orthodontist for braces, you may be wondering what sorts of things might be covered during an orthodontic consultation, especially one that’s free?
During a free orthodontic consultation, also sometimes referred to as an initial consultation, your orthodontic office might discuss things like your orthodontic treatment, future orthodontic consultation, medical history, if and when your child needs braces, orthodontic problems, treatment option, possibly another free consultation for a second child, payment plans and any other orthodontic patient’s needs. After all, it’s important during your consultation appointment that you feel comfortable when talking about your treatment plan, your options, and what exactly you believe are your orthodontic needs.
You may also wonder what are the steps of getting braces? How can you find a good orthodontic office, anyway? And, how common are free consultations? Before we answer these questions and more, let’s take a look at what the experts in orthodontic medicine have to say on the subject.
There is an increased focus on the delivery of “patient-centered” care in orthodontics (Yao J, et al., 2016) and your consultation with the orthodontist should be centered around you.
Research shows that in general, a patient’s perspective can significantly influence what happens over the clinical course (Yao J, et al., 2016).
It is important for patients to have realistic expectations, because any gap between expectations and reality can influence compliance during treatment (Yao J, et al.,2016).
What are the steps of getting braces? Orthodontist consultation questions
Generally the steps to getting braces will mean starting by finding a good orthodontic office. Finding an orthodontic office in your area is not terribly difficult. A quick Google search will reveal a huge list of potential places where you can get your orthodontic treatment from.
You should then narrow down the list to places that have good reviews and offer free consultations. Setting up this initial consultation will give you a chance to talk about your orthodontic needs, and hear directly from an orthodontist whether you actually do need braces or not. This will often include a set of x-rays or a digital scan and your medical history.
After discussing your needs, a possible treatment plan, payment plans, and family history you will likely come in again for a follow-up appointment where they will take some molds of your teeth, and actually begin developing the braces or Invisalign clear aligners.
Once you both have determined your treatment plan, you will return for the installation of your braces which can take 1-2 hours. Your orthodontist will use a special glue to affix the brackets to your teeth, and then he or she will run the arch wire through the slots on the brackets. The final step is to affix the elastics to keep the wire in place. From start to finish, this process can take as little as just a couple of weeks.
Does a dentist get his dental treatment for free? Orthodontist with free consultation near me
There are quite a few different levels of questions when it comes to that first consultation. Some of them can be lighthearted and some of them can be more serious. Let’s answer both in this section.
Another question, though one often asked by kids, is does an orthodontist get his own dental work done for free? Unless he’s going to be doing it himself he still has to pay a professional to do the work. If he or she gets it done at their own facility, they may receive a small employee discount, or other locations may offer a professional courtesy discount. Dentists and orthodontists have to pay for their medical work just like anybody else.
How to find a good orthodontist near me for free consultation?
There are a few ways of finding a good orthodontist. One is to simply talk with your neighbors, friends, and family and see what orthodontists they recommend or like. This is sometimes one of the best ways of getting a direct referral.
However, if you do not know somebody or the individuals that they recommend don’t work for you, another fantastic way is simply look online. Finding orthodontic offices that have very high ratings, great reviews, and especially ones with a long history of customer service dating back years or sometimes decades are usually great go tos. After all, if an orthodontic office has been in service for many years, they must know how to take care of their clients.
What are the things to consider when finding an orthodontist or a free orthodontist consultation?
When you find an orthodontist near me for your free consultation, something to consider is the overall pricing. This is one of the reasons why individuals may want a free consultation in the first place. You don’t want to be charged if you’re not going to receive anything. A free consultation should never cost money and if any orthodontic office is saying that for a free consultation you have to put in a credit card number or something like that then that should immediately raise red flags.
Instead, getting that free consultation should be as painless as simply calling the office and setting the appointment. Talking with the orthodontic office will help determine what your needs are, what kinds of treatments you can afford, and what you would like the orthodontist to do for you.
What is the procedure of orthodontic braces treatment? Orthodontist Miami
The procedure for orthodontic braces treatment is quite simple. Once braces are installed they will push and pull on your teeth to help slowly bring them into the correct alignment. Teeth that are out of alignment can cause all sorts of orthodontic problems like irregular wearing of the enamel, cavities, and make you far more susceptible to things like tooth decay and gum disease. Keeping teeth in the proper alignment helps keep your mouth healthy and of course is aesthetically beautiful as well.
What are the things to consider when choosing an orthodontist and what to expect at an orthodontist consultation?
Things that you should be considering from your orthodontic office are do you feel comfortable working with this individual or in this facility? If the person seems great but the facility looks like it was not well maintained or modernized, you may want to look elsewhere. Finding a facility you are confident in means finding one that offers top-of-the-line medical care, professionalism both in how they present their office and their own personal conduct, and ones that put customer service first.
This can mean talking about things like the possibility of cancellation fees if you have to reschedule orthodontic appointments, and if they offer options like payment plans which can allow you to take large orthodontic payments and break them up into smaller monthly payments can all be great topics to consider during your free consultation.
Yao, J., Li, D. D., Yang, Y. Q., McGrath, C. P., & Mattheos, N. (2016). What are patients’ expectations of orthodontic treatment: a systematic review. BMC oral health, 16, 19.
Contact us:
IVANOV Orthodontic Experts, 12866 Biscayne Blvd, North Miami, FL 33181
Call us at (786) 540-1919 to schedule a free orthodontic exam.
Learn More about Braces Cost and Treatment options – Orthodontist Near Me Free Consultation at